Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The return of oppression

The original Spaniards and Americans and have merely left imprints upon the Philippines. However, those imprints are too heavy of consequence to simply ignore.

Spaniards, Americans compete with the Chinese and some other nationals in owning the Philippine archipelago. On paper, the originally indigenously owned land, is a possession of some individuals who do not even know the exact composition of the soil in the places encompassed by the fantastic pieces of paper they hold as evidence of rights to the Philippine estate.

That all of the country we the Bruns have loved as our own is mostly in the hands of these barbars, is the legacy of what the original Bruns in the Philippines have died fighting against.

As if this were not enough, today, the graces by which a kingdom shall serve its subjects, are sprinkled instead to a set of ogres who we can not ever imagine to be of the quality needed in nobles, royalty and aristocracy.

But that is of little concern for now. For certain, a day will come when this return of excesses in oppression will explode without nary a warning nor call. The little people that carried the torch of the French Revolution into the castilles of the monarchy in France, the miniscule forces of Bavaria that defended itself from the Roman conquerors - losing at one, winning at another in many battles, will become a sight in these parts.

There is no wrath greater than when a monarch like the one they call noynoy, takes away the poor man's few grams of rice and a meagre count of grains of salt that is the family's breakfast, lunch and supper all made into one.

Lest the guillotine strikes this monarch, it is cautioned that he beware of his greed and check his machines for any loose screws left lying around.

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